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Kabir Das's Anmol Vichar Kabir Das Some Thought Provoking Quotes in Hindi, motivationinhindi10, Motivation In Hindi 10 ,


Kabir Das's Anmol Vichar Kabir Das Some Thought Provoking Quotes in Hindi, motivationinhindi10, Motivation In Hindi 10 , 

1. The place of Guru is even higher than that of God, because God is seen only because of the teachings of Guru.

Kabir Das's Anmol Vichar Kabir Das Some Thought Provoking Quotes in Hindi, motivationinhindi10, Motivation In Hindi 10 ,

2. Just as there is no decrease in the water of a river if a bird carries water in its beak, in the same way there is no decrease in one's wealth by donating to the needy.

3. Get things yourself by effort, don't ask for it from anyone.

4. What you have to do tomorrow, do today and what you have to do today, do it now, life will end in no time, then what will you be able to do?

5. Everyone remembers God in times of sorrow, but no one does in happiness. If God is remembered even in happiness, then why should there be sorrow?

6. The law of this world is that what has risen will set. What has grown will wither. What has been snatched will fall and what has come will go.

7. The one who criticizes us, should be kept mostly close to him. He cleans our nature by telling our shortcomings without soap and water.

8. It is neither good to speak too much, nor it is good to remain silent more than necessary. Like too much rain is not good and too much sunshine is not good either.

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9. Those who make efforts get something or the other just like a hardworking diver goes into deep water and brings something. But there are some poor people who stay on the shore for fear of drowning They just keep sitting and don't get anything.

10. Everything is possible by having patience in the mind. Even if a gardener starts watering a tree with hundred pitchers of water, it will bear fruit only when the season comes.

11. There is a need for such gentlemen in this world as there is a soup that clears the grain. Those who will save the meaningful and blow away the meaningless.

12. Forgot God in good times, and remembered God only in times of trouble. Who will listen to the prayers of such a devotee?

13. Just as it is impossible to remove frozen ghee with a straight finger, in the same way it is not possible to achieve the goal without hard work.

14. Saints only desire for feelings and knowledge, they have no greed for money. The person who runs after money and wealth even after becoming a saint, cannot be a saint.

15. The person who spends the whole night sleeping and eating the whole day without doing any work in this world. He wastes his precious life which is equivalent to a diamond at the cost of pennies.

16. Some people meditate on the Lord with the expectation of fruits and blessings, not for devotion. Such people are not devotees; There are traders who want to quadruple the value of their investment.

17. Having a love affair with a stranger woman is like eating garlic. Even if you eat it sitting in a corner, its smell spreads far away.

18. The mind of a man is like a crow, it picks up everything. But the mind of a wise man is like a swan that only eats pearls.

19. Some people preach to others after being very educated, but do not take their own lessons. The education and knowledge of such people is useless.

20. One should not understand the meaning of what someone said in a disturbed state. In such a state, a person is unable to understand the true meaning of words. Foolish people do not know this fact, so they lose their balance on anything.

21. Meditation is done by stabilizing the mind, not by performing actions.

22. Seeing others, some people start worshiping God to get respect, but when they do not get it, they start blaming the world like fools.

23. Ignorant people do less work and talk more. Such people keep cramming what they have heard instead of giving their own arguments.

24. What if your house is near the butcher? You are not responsible for his actions. That means, everyone has to bear the consequences of his own actions.

25. Where your abilities and qualities are not used, your stay there is useless. For example, what is the work of a washerman in a place where people do not have clothes to wear?

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