Death is a fact of life, Motivation in hindi, motivationinhindi10,
There was a young man named Radheshyam. He was a very calm and thoughtful person by nature. He had a small family in which his parents, wife and two children were there. He loved everyone very much.
Apart from this, he was a devotee of Krishna and had compassion for all. Used to serve the needy. Did not hurt anyone. Due to these qualities of his, Shri Krishna was very pleased with him and always stayed with him. And Radheshyam could see his Krishna as well as talk to him. Despite this he never asked God for anything. He was very happy because God was always with him. Used to guide him. Radheshyam also used to call Krishna as his friend and used to share his thoughts with him.
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One day Radheshyam's father's health suddenly deteriorated. He was admitted to the hospital. He folded the hands of all the doctors. begged to save his father. But everyone told him that they cannot give much hope. And everyone told him to have faith in God.
That's why Radheshyam thought of Krishna and he called his Krishna. Krishna came running. Radheshyam said - Friend! You are God save my father. Krishna said - Friend! These are not in my hands. If there is time for death, it is bound to happen. Radheshyam got angry on this and started fighting with Krishna, cursing him in anger. God also explained to him a lot but he didn't listen.
Then Lord Krishna said to him - Friend! I can help you but for this you have to do one thing. Radheshyam immediately asked what kind of work? Krishna said - To you! A handful of jowar has to be brought from one house and it has to be kept in mind that no one has ever died in that family. Radheshyam quickly said yes and went in search. He knocked on many doors. There is tide in every house, but there is no one in whose family someone has not died. Somebody's father, somebody's grandfather, somebody's brother, mother, aunt or sister. Even after wandering for two days, Radheshyam could not find a single such house.
Then he realized that death is an unchanging truth. Everyone has to face it. No one can run away from this. And he apologizes to Krishna for his behavior and decides to serve his father as long as he is alive.
After a few days, Radheshyam's father goes to heaven. He feels sad but because of that lesson given by God, his mind remains calm.
Friends, similarly we all should accept the truth that death is an unchanging truth, it is foolish to deny it. There is sorrow but it is wrong to get trapped in it because not only you are born with that sorrow, but the whole human race is bound to face that sorrow. Accepting such truths and moving forward is life itself.
Many times we become so helpless due to the departure of someone special that we cannot see the life standing in front of us and the people associated with it. It becomes difficult to get out of such darkness. The person who accepts the truth of death, his life becomes weightless and no pain can ever break him. He moves forward in every field of life.
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